Monday’s Moments…
“Loving God means keeping His commandments, and His commandments are not burdensome.” 1st John 5:3
Yesterday in worship we wrapped up our sermons series on “Did God Really Say That?”, by driving home the fact that it is vitally important to know the difference between God’s Word and Man’s Word… building our lives and worldviews on God foundation is what gives us a biblical worldview. Like the verse above, it really isn’t burdensome… but it requires a commitment for you and I to be intentional in how we respond and relate to the world around us.
Our students did a fantastic job yesterday in serving dinner as a fundraiser towards camp… the Ham & Beans, soups, and desserts were wonderful and the service and clean-up the youth did was outstanding – great job everyone! Because of their efforts and your generosity they raised over $800!
Also, last night’s concert with The Lester’s was an amazing time of fellowship and blessings to all who attended. We had over 140 in attendance which is a great number for a Sunday afternoon concert. If you missed their performance, we have it (along with Sunday’s Worship Service) on our church website home page. You can check them out by clicking on this link:
This coming Sunday we begin our Easter Series called “Journey to Jerusalem” as we look at pivotal moments in Jesus’ ministry as He was preparing for calvary’s cross. Join us this Sunday, and invite a friend!
Coming Up
- Wednesday Dinner, Activities, and Adult Bible Study – Dinner at 5:15 and Kids, Youth, and Adults bible study at 6:00pm
- Every Sunday – Donut Fellowship at 9:30am, Sunday School for all ages at 9:45am, and Worship at 11:00am
- Sunday, April 6th – Exploring Membership Seminar & Luncheon (All are welcome – sign up at information desk)
- Easter Sunday, April 20th – Breakfast at 8:30am, Sunday School, and Baptism & Resurrection Worship!
Prayer Needs: Julie’s daughter – Ashli, Jim & Diana Tanis (home now) and brother Mike, Terry Oliphant, Steve Slahck, Jeff Smith (diagnosis of Parkinsons), David Lovitch, Jerry Buttress, Peggy Kubli & friends, Cassie Vaughn, Kathy Foreman, Jim & Kathy Richardson’s Son, Alex Toynton, Colton Eshelman, Vickie Lovitch’s little friend – Alexis, Chloe’s Friend – Molie Bell, Christie Allen, Steve Anderson, and Minnie Offield’s Brother – Chuck,
Homebound: Judy & Jerry Buttress, Joann Miles, Jim & Mary Schmidt, Judy Franks, Cecil Lee - The Benton House in Blue Springs, and Bob Schildknecht (Warrensburg Veteran’s Home)
Sunday’s Sermon Quote to Ponder: “If you think about it… God really did make it easy for us to come to Him to be rescued and saved.”
See You Sunday!
Doug Schildknecht